Tea Quotes for Tea Lovers

As tea lovers, we love everything about our favourite beverage. While we love to talk about tea, sometimes it's great to step back and listen to what others say about it too. So, we've put together a collection of tea quotes to share with you all, our fellow tea lovers.

Tea Quotes of Authors

  • "Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors"

- Alice Walker

  • "There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

- Henry James

  • "Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept."

- Frances Hardinge

  • "But indeed I would rather have nothing but tea."

Jane Austen

  • "We had a kettle; we let it leak: Our not repairing made it worse. We haven’t had any tea for a week… The bottom is out of the Universe."

Rudyard Kipling

  • "There is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • "The very act of preparing and serving tea encourages conversation. The little spaces in time created by teatime rituals call out to be filled with conversation. Even the tea itself - warm and comforting-inspires a feeling of relaxation and trust that fosters shared confidences."   

- Emilie Barnes

  • "The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose."    

- George Gissing

  • "The cup of tea on arrival at a country house is a thing which, as a rule, I particularly enjoy. I like the crackling logs, the shaded lights, the scent of buttered toast, the general atmosphere of leisured cosiness."

- P.G. Wodehouse

  • "You can't get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."

- C.S. Lewis, quoted by Walter Hooper

  • "Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage."

- Catherine Douzel

  • "The perfect temperature for tea is two degrees hotter than just right."

- Terri Guillemets

  • "Would you like an adventure now.... or would you like to have your tea first?" Wendy said "tea first" quickly, and Michael pressed her hand in gratitude."

- J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

  • “My dear, if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs.”

– Charles Dickens

Tea Quotes of Celebrities

  • "There's nothing quite like a freshly brewed pot of tea to get you going in the morning.:

- Phyllis Logan

  • "Make tea, not war."

- Monty Python

  • “Wouldn’t it be dreadful to live in a country where they didn’t have tea?”

– Noel Coward

Tea Quotes of Politicians

  • "If you are cold, tea will warm you: if you are too heated, it will cook you: if you are depressed, it will cheer you: if you are exhausted, it will calm you." 

- William Gladstone, Prime Minister of United Kingdom, late 1800's:

  • "A woman is like a tea bag: she never knows how strong she is until she finds herself in hot water."

- Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), First Lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945

  • "The most trying hours in life are between four o'clock and the evening meal. A cup of tea at this time adds a lot of comfort and happiness."

- Royal S. Copeland

Tea Quotes of Philosophers

  • "There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life."

- Lin Yutang

  • "If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty."

- Japanese proverb

  • "Tea is a divine herb."

- Xu Guangqi

  • "Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary."

- Chinese Proverb

  • “The path to heaven passes through a teapot.”

– Ancient Proverb

Do you have a favourite tea quote you can share with us? We'd love to learn what it is and add it to our list here, so please get in touch and share it with us.

Posted: Wednesday 4 March 2020