Stevia: How Sweet Are You?

What is Stevia?

If you are a fan of using a sweetener in your baking, you might like to try stevia instead of cane sugar. Stevia is said to be 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, has no calories and has been used in the creation of many artifical sweetners. Derived from the plant Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni), stevia is a natural sweetener which was discovered by an Italian botanist in the late 1800's. Before his discovery though, the people of Paraguay and Brazil used it for centuries to sweeten their food and as a traditional medicine. 

If you are looking for an alternative natural sweetener for your baking or tea then read this excellent article by plant expert and writer Jane Wrigglesworth on stevia.  She offers tips on growing this plant and really practical advice on how to use it.  A big thanks to Jane for allowing us to share this with you.  Visit  her website for more great lifestyle ideas and recipes.

Try using stevia as a sweetener in your tea.  Read our iced tea hints and tips View Here

Posted: Thursday 9 April 2020